Meeting Location: 2108 W Euclid (Flynn House)
Click the tabs below to find links, contacts, and relevant documents.
This webpage last updated 5/21/2024
Location Description: 3242, 3230, 3224 N Ash Place, between N. Ash Place and N. Ash Street just southeast of the intersection of W. Liberty Avenue and N. Ash Place (parcels 25014.4207, 25014.4701, 25014.4702)
Description of Proposal: The applicant is proposing a new preliminary long plat of 21 lots on roughly 1.32 Acres utilizing the City’s Interim Zoning Ordinance C36232 – please refer to SMC Chapter 17C.400 – Interim Housing Regulations Adopted to Implement RCW 36.70A.600(1). Lots are proposed for construction of “attached” housing units as defined in SMC 17A.020.010. This proposal requires a Type III application and there will be a Public Hearing in front of the City Hearing Examiner.
Bullet List of Concerns:
Density & Neighborhood character - we understand the need for more housing, and suggest a 12-unit development with architectural design that matches the existing neighborhood character achieves the goal of increased housing while maintaining existing neighborhood character. Let's all be good neighbors to each other together in accord with the City's new motto, "In Spokane, we all belong."
Safety concerns with proposed lots/plats - changing the plat map is permanent, and this change leaves a huge gap in public safety, especially given this is a dead-end road with little-to-no escapte route over the rocky cliffs to the East if the road is blocked.
Infrastructure gaps - while the generated Trips map has inaccurate labels, it does identify infrastructure needs to maintain traffic and pedestrian safety; storm water capture is another significant concern
Damage Liability - excavation will undoubtedly require using heavy equipment and/or blasting; a bond should be set aside to compensate existing property owners for related damages
Below in italics is the original wording of some of these concerns:
Lots/plats - changing the plat map is permanent
The "Notification Map" meets the City's requirements but it fails to notify significant stretches of the neighborhood that are impacted.
Townhouses: how will townhouses "fit in" with the existing neighborhood
Density: 21 lots more than doubles the existing 19 "homes" that will share the common ingress/egress of Liberty Avenue and Oak Street
This is MORE than DOUBLE the allowed density even under the newly established, expanded changes to Spokane Municipal Code
Recent law changes:
Spokane City now allows for duplexes, fourplexes, sixplexes, and Accessory Dwelling Units everywhere - could someone turn their slice of townhouse into a fourplex?
Spokane City eliminated all off-street parking requirements
Will this be "just the beginning" in developers purchasing a couple houses, tearing them down, and putting in more townhouses?
Traffic, Parking, Emergency Vehicles, and Green spaces:
Traffic: estimate roughly 12 ingress/egress during "rush hour"
Parking: one-car garage and a driveway per each slice of the townhouse
Emergency Vehicles have no "turnaround" area
Green Spaces: there basically will be little-to-none
Water Runoff: fractured, blue basalt won't percolate very well
Unknown occupants: Whipple Engineering Consultants has no information about if these will be owner-occupied, rentals, low-income, etc.
11/14/2023 - Public Notification Meeting already held
Spring (April) 2024 - City of Spokane Hearing Examiner
Fall (October) 2024 - Breaking Ground
Call To Action:
Neighborhood notifications: how do we keep our neighborhood informed
Neighborhood meetings: how/where/when do we meet
Understand zoning laws (WA state and City)
Does anyone reading this have building experience?
Research Grove Road LLC and Whipple Consulting Engineers:
What do their other projects look like?
What is this project expected to look like?
What assurances do we have the "plan" doesn't change (bait/switch)?
Engagement with City of Spokane:
Compile Pros/Cons & Concerns - how to engage City Council members?
Hearing Examiner - how to engage, what notifications to receive, when?
Does anyone reading this have Hearing Examiner experience?
11/26/2023, PDF
11/30/2023, PDF
12/12/2023, PDF
1/10/2024, PDF
Agenda 1/24/2024, PDF
Agenda 2/7/2024, PDF
Agenda 2/21/2024, PDF
Agenda 3/6/2024, PDF
Agenda 4/10/2024, PDF
Agenda 5/1/2024, PDF
Agenda 5/22/2024, PDF
Meeting Minutes:
11/29/2023, PDF
12/12/2023, PDF
1/10/2024, PDF
FollowUp - Dept of Ecology, Hallie Ladd, JPG
FollowUp - City of Spokane, Melissa Owens, identifies SMC, JPG
1/24/2024, PDF
2/7/2024, PDF
2/21/2024, PDF
3/6/2024, PDF
4/10/2024, PDF
Timeline, PDF
Postcard, PDF
DRAFT Letter to Hearing Examiner - May 2024, PDF
Audubon-Downriver Neighborhood Council Letter - March 2024, PDF
Letter Drafts:
Dead Ends Evac, PDF
Escape Route, PDF
Random musings, PDF
Link to County map:
Melissa Owens email sent on Dec 29, 2023:
General Application, PDF
Narrative, PDF
Plat Map, PDF
SEPA Checklist, PDF
Title Guarantee, PDF
Trip Generation, PDF
Melissa Owens reply email identifying Spokane Municipal Code applicable to hearing:
17G.061.310: Land Use Application Procedures -> Decision Criteria
17G.080.025: Subdivisions -> Decision Criteria
BOCA (Building Opportunities and Choices for All)
Name | Phone | |
City Council Generic Contact | 509.625.6255 | |
Giacobbe Byrd Director, City Council Office | 509.625.6715 | |
*Zack Zappone City Council District #3 | ||
*Kitty Klitzke City Council District #3 | ||
*Melissa Owen Assistant Planner | 509.625.6063 | |
Nicolette Ocheltree Housing & Homelessness Initiatives | 509.828.0522 | |
Dan Polson Code Enforcement | 509.625.6066 | |
Ron Thomas Principle, Grove Roads LLC QHome Loans 1102 N. Monroe Street Spokane, WA 99201 | 509-216-3333 | |
Brad Boswell Re/Max Boswell Homes 12810 E. Nora Ave., Suite E Spokane Valley, WA 99216
| 509-462-1062 office 509-710-2024 cell | |
Dennis Flynn Drumheller Community member | 509-385-4747 | |
Jeff Stevens Audubon-Downriver Neighborhood Council Chair |
Use Email Template to contact Neighborhood Council president, Jeff Stevens, to inform him of your concerns/opinions
Email and/or call Department of Ecology and/or call the Tribes
Post a Yard Sign
Review Spokane Municipal Code 17G.061.310 and 17G.080.025
Collect pictures of water and those sustained by it (animals, fowl, reptiles, plants) in and around Drumheller
Email Template 0: to be added to the notification list for the City of Spokane: click here to open an email with this template
SUBJECT: Long Plat, 21-units, 3200-block on North Ash Place
Email Text: Notice of Application. Melissa, please add me to the notice list for the Notice of Application portion of the process for "Long Plat, 21-0units, 3200-block on North Ash Place".
The Email templates below should all go TO Zack Zappone, Kitty Klitzke, and Becky Wilkerson, with CC's to Giacobbe Byrd, Nicolette Ocheltree, Melissa Owen and Jeff Stevens:
Template options you may use in composing your own email:
Email Template 1: click here to open an email with this template
I have serious concerns with a planned development in my neighborhood on the 3200-block of North Ash Place. This one development will more than double the number of housing units on the dead-end street that is Ash Place + Euclid Ave, adjacent to Drumheller Springs Park. Drumheller Springs is a natural-area park, with wetlands, wildlife, and is an historical site for the native tribes, including a monument to the school started by Chief Garry. Access for Emergency vehicles, especially to the development on the East side of the lot will be severely limited. Additionally the development is for a housing type, elevation, and style that is out of character for this neighborhood and will require the Hearing Examiner to allow a deviation to allow even more dense zoning than the lenient expansion the Council already allowed for with recent changes in the Spokane Municipal Code. I understand this development is on its way to the hearing examiner and I am in opposition to it proceeding as planned. While I understand the need for additional housing in Spokane, I am opposed to an out-of-character townhouse development; instead I would like to see the development of detached houses that are in-character with the neighborhood.
Email Template 2: too long to automate, you will need to copy/paste the text, but you may click here to open an email with the TO and Subject filled out
RE: OPPOSE the 21-LotTownhome Development on Ash Place
I am writing to document my opposition to the 21-Lot Townhome Project proposed for development in my neighborhood. While Whipple Consulting’s proposal might be technically allowable or legal, call it what you may, it is in no way proposed for the betterment of me or my existing neighborhood. Please note that a growing number of other nearby residents feel similarly (see other recently submitted letters of concern).
My concerns are numerous, ranging from pedestrian safety and traffic congestion to predictable reduction in property values. And while I recognize Spokane’s need to increase affordable housing, I disagree with allowing so much of it to be concentrated across the street from such a unique area – Drumheller Springs Park. The indigenous peoples’ cultural and historical significance of this area and park is well documented; over-development as proposed would be working at cross-purpose to the decades -long effort to restore and protect Drumheller’s natural habitat – think flowers, plants, wildlife, wetlands, and relationships with Native peoples.
While I will defer to subject matter experts for greater detail regarding anticipated negative impacts of the proposed development, please consider what I believe to be my commonsense concerns. Driving in the early morning and late afternoon is already hazardous, trying to get on and off the Ash-Maple one-way corridors, and alternate use of side streets is not safe for drivers or for student pedestrians. I understand that the project proposal includes on-site parking but realistically most residents drive multiple vehicles and seasonal clearing of leaves and snow on Ash Place will be hampered by extra on-street parking. Last, not least, take a look at the surrounding homes and ask yourself if you would want a comparatively gigantic building built in your neighborhood if you also lived here.
This project as proposed is inconsistent with our existing neighborhood and would be conspicuously out-of-place. And, if it were proposed to be built across the street from say, Manito Park, I doubt it would be allowed.
Thank you for your consideration of this input.
Email Template 3: its too long to automate, so you will need to copy/paste the text, but you may click here to open an email with the TO and Subject filled out
RE: OPPOSE the change in lot sizes for the 21-LotTownhome Development on Ash Place
I am writing to document my opposition to the zoning changes and change of lot sizes that will be made to accommodate the 21-Lot Townhome Project proposed for development in my neighborhood.
We are a small community basically surrounding Drumheller Springs Conservation Park. We would like to express some of our concerns regarding the proposed addition of 21 Townhouses identified as Ash Place Townhouse Proposal.
Our concerns are not that we oppose the expansion or zoning laws to facilitate the affordable housing shortage in Spokane. We totally support that goal. We just think that it should be proportionate to the size of the neighborhood affected. Drumheller Springs is a small natural park in the middle of Spokane. As such, there are a limited number of houses immediately adjacent to it. It is a rather unique neighborhood that enjoys the benefits of the park and the dead-end road around it. Due to the dead-end road, there is only one way in and one way out. Any increase in traffic will have a disproportionate effect on the residents. We also get a fair number of visitors to the park who come to walk their pets or to enjoy nature.
The aspect that we disagree with is the number of units that will be built on 1.3 acres of land. Of which almost half is too steep for housing. Therefore, you would be building 21-units on approximately 0.7 acres. This doesn’t address visitors and guest parking in the area and will infringe on access to the park by visitors.
We believe it would be in the best interest of the city, the park, and the neighborhood to limit this addition to 4 or 5 single family homes. This would preserve the neighborhood as a unique pleasant place for everyone to live would also provide proportionate additions to housing in Spokane.
Email Template 4: click here to open an email with this template
RE: ADAMANTLY OPPOSE the change in lot sizes/zoning change for the 21-LotTownhome Development on Ash Place
I am writing to document my adamant opposition to the zoning changes and change of lot sizes that will be made to accommodate the 21-Lot Townhome Project proposed for development in my neighborhood. The changes in lot sizes will cause unnecessary hardship for the surrounding neighborhood, including but not limited to the increase of off-street parking and increase traffic to a dead-end road, a building type that is completely uncharacteristic to a long-established community of detached housing, and a safety hazard inherent in dead-end streets and dead-end alleys without any turnarounds for any emergency fire and/or medical services.
Stuff on the Web:
Out There Outdoors Magazine, Sept 2016 article about Drumheller Springs Park
Radon Gas Control, detailed email
Drumheller Springs Conservation District, detailed email
Drumheller Buffer Zone Review in 2025, detailed email
Four Possible Challenges, detailed email
Three Triplexes, detailed email
Wetland Buffers, detailed email
Spokalulu blog posts with wildflowers and ponds
Inlander April 2024, article about Spokane Smashes Building Permits - Spokane Six
Send us a message:
Fill in your name and any other info you want to provide.
Let us know your concerns, if you'd like to help, or any other message you want to relay.